- Aerosols and Black Carbon
- AGORA – Acting Together Now for Pro-poor Strategies against Soil and Land Degradation
- Air Quality, Mobility and Democracy (plus economic behaviour): transdisciplinary research on urban mobility transition
- Air Quality Modelling for Policy Advice
- Amazon of Rights: Understanding Ecocentric Normativity and its Social Realities through Visual Ethnography
- A Mindset for the Anthropocene
- Analysis and Categorisation of Hazards with High Crisis Potential
- An Assessment of the Impact of Black Carbon on Air Quality and Climate in the Kathmandu Valley and Surrounding Area - A Model Study (BERLiKUM)
- Arctic Impact on Weather and Climate (Blue-Action)
- Arctic Ocean Ecosystems - Applied Technology, Biological Interactions and Consequences in an Era of Abrupt Climate Change (ArcticABC)
- Areas of Particular Environmental Interest in the Atlantic
- A Sustainable Atmosphere for the Kathmandu Valley (SusKat)
- A Sustainable Cultural Mission for Music - a New Aspect of Orchestral Excellence
- Kopernikus Project Ariadne
- Kopernikus Project Ariadne (second funding phase)
- Marine Conservation in the Arctic
- Promoting Acceptance of Renewable Energies
- Transformative Affordances of the Arts
- Urban Air Quality, Mobility, and Health
- Accelerating the Uptake of Ecosystem-Based Management for Europe's Seas
- A Democratic Culture of Conflict for the Energy Transition
- Advanced concepts of concentrating solar power
- A European Roadmap for Green Hydrogen
- Air Quality Effects from Mobility Measures
- Air Quality in the Context of Global Change
- Berlin Citizens' Assembly on Climate Change
- BEyond State-of-the-art Technologies for rePowering Ac corridors and multi-Terminal HVDC Systems (BEST PATHS)
- Blue Carbon: Coastal and Marine Ecosystems for Climate Mitigation
- Climate Action in National and International Processes (ClimAct)
- CO2 as an Asset - Challenges and Potentials for Society
- CO2nsistent: Making TEA and LCA for CCU Comprehensible for Policymakers
- CO2 Removal Synthesis and Transfer Project (CDRSynTra)
- Co-Creation and Contemporary Policy Advice
- Co-Creation for Biocultural Diversity in the Arctic
- Co-Creative Reflection and Dialogue Space (CCRDS)
- Coherent and cross-compliant ocean governance for delivering the EU Green Deal for European Seas
- Contextualizing Climate Engineering and Mitigation: Illusion, Complement or Substitute?
- Contextualizing Climate Engineering and Mitigation: Illusion, Complement, or Substitute?
- COST Action on "Ocean Governance for Sustainability - Challenges, Options, and the Role of Science"
- Critical Engagement with Ethics, Evaluation and Engagement Protocols in Arctic Research
- Cultural heritage and climate adaptation in coastal cities (Sinking Cities)
- Cultural Prerequisites for Sustainable Development – Latin American Experiences
- Deep Seabed Mining - Test Mining and Fair Benefit Sharing
- Democratic Anthropocene
- Development of standardised guidelines for the lifecycle assessment of carbon dioxide conversion
- Development of standardised guidelines for the techno-economic assessment of carbon dioxide conversion processes
- DiDaT - Digitale Daten als Gegenstand eines Transdisziplinären Prozesses. Teilprojekt1 : Projektleitung und Synopse
- Digital Data as Subject of Transdisciplinary Processes (DiDaT)
- Digitalisation and Impacts on Sustainability
- Earth Energy and Environment